
Founder’s Mission

Avni Parekh’s mission is to help others and make this world a better place.

Writing and bringing to life self-help book Be The Bigger Person (BTBP for short) was a calling that Avni couldn’t ignore.  

The book is her way of discussing the value of rising above life’s hardships, as well as difficult interpersonal conflicts, without resorting to violence.

It’s about spreading a message and a life concept that can ultimately better humanity.

BE THE BIGGER PERSON is more than just a slogan, it’s a life principle.

More importantly, it’s a way of life. In short, “be the bigger person” means taking the high road when faced with negativity.

Our merchandise includes size-inclusive, unisex athleisure, as well as hats, mugs, and more. Near and dear to our founder’s heart, are the messages highlighted on the apparel. 

Each collection encompasses fundamental aspects of self-help book, Be The Bigger Person: Scenarios & Solutions to Better Yourself, and its supplemental workbook, Don’t Give In (coming soon)! 

self help book for teens

Core Values

  • It’s best to take the high road in life.
  • When angry, don’t retaliate or react violently.
  • Always aim to better yourself with each passing day.

#BTBP Campaign

#BTBP or #bethebiggerperson is a universal campaign to remind folks to choose the higher road in life, rather than succumb to anger when faced with negative situations.

Use these hashtags on social media to convey your words of encouragement and stories of overcoming adversity.

book campaign