Are you in need of advice for coming out? Well, in the summer of 2019, I had the pleasure of interviewing four amazing male makeup artists during Pride Month on my hair and beauty website,

We discussed makeup tips and more importantly, their perspectives about gay pride, overcoming hardships, and coming out.
Among the questions I asked them was, “What advice do you have for young men and women who are struggling to come out?”
Their advice for coming out is priceless, and best of all, comes from firsthand experience. Below are four tips and full responses for coming out from men who have actually gone through the process, and come out victorious.
4 Tips for Coming Out
1) Coming Out is Your Decision
A piece of advice I have for the younger people who are struggling to come out is no matter the outcome, things will be okay in the end. Whether whomever you’re coming out to is accepting of that or not, you will be okay. Also, it is imperative that you come out when you are ready. No matter the situation or if you are being pressured by the people around you, coming out is your decision and you are the only one who can make that call.
To read more of Sean’s interview, visit

2) Keep Friends Who Uplift You
My advice is, you have to stay away from people who could make you feel sad. Whoever it is, don’t let anyone make fun of your sexuality. I’d suggest you find power in art. Create, be an inspiration, and never worry about what others have to say. Trust me, one day the bad vibes they put out will circle back. If God didn’t love gay people, then we wouldn’t have been this colorful. Being gay is not a disease, these are our feelings.
To read more of Ali’s interview, visit

3) Create your happiness
Your happiness is yours, nobody else’s. It can be difficult to come out, but once you are out, you will feel like everything changes. You should be happy, we only have one life so it’s best to make the most of it!
To read more of Leo’s interview, visit

4) Come out when you are ready
Come out when you’re ready! I personally think time is everything. I know that it is really hard but once you do it, it is going to be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders, and if they don’t understand, give them time as well. Then, when it’s time, you can educate whoever it is about how we are all the same, just trying to feel loved.
To read more of Brandon’s interview, visit

Genuine Advice for Coming Out
Truth is, coming out is never easy and it’s often a decision that takes years to finally make. And even when the decision has been made, going through the process can be nerve-wracking.
What’s important to remember is that you are in charge of your life and the decisions you make.
Do your best to remain confident, while keeping in mind that you may not receive the reaction you are hoping for.
However, my sincere hope is, that if the people you come out to, truly care about you, then this will not affect how they feel about you.
If you’re having a difficult time trying to figure out how to come out and want someone to talk to, reach out to the folks at GLBT National Help Center by calling 1-888-843-4564 or visiting
Try to reflect over the advice for coming out presented in this article. In addition to that, join Facebook groups or follow Instagram pages that are dedicated to empowering the LGBTQ community.
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