
Don't give in art & book tour

Have you ever felt the weight of negativity on your shoulders and it’s beginning to affect your mental health and emotional wellness?

The Don’t Give In Art & Book Tour aims to rekindle the spark of resilience that lives within every one of us. It’s a journey from Miami to West Palm Beach where stories of hardship become anthems of hope. We want to empower readers to discover the strength they already possess to rise above challenges.

"I'm above it, are you? be the bigger person and don't give in"

Imagine holding a powerful tool, not just a book, but a companion: the Don’t Give In workbook by award-winning author Avni Parekh. Inspired by her highly-rated self-help books, Avni shares insightful messages on resilience through three guiding principles:

  1. Be The Bigger Person: Let’s choose kindness and understanding, even when it’s hard. We can all lift each other up.
  2. I’m Above It: Your well-being matters most. Learn to prioritize yourself and refuse to be dragged down by negativity.
  3. Don’t Give In: You are stronger than you think. We’ll help you find the inner strength to persevere through any adversity.
Barnes & Noble book signing

Book Signings

Author Avni will discuss the message in her books through readings, lectures, and Q&A sessions to connect with readers on a personal level.

Art for kids

Instilling resilience and imbuing positivity into readers of all ages, especially children, Avni will teach mindfulness through art and coloring activities.

mommy and me event
book tour influencers

Influencer Events

Partnering with local organizations and influencers, Avni will engage the local community and demonstrate the book’s message in action.

Community Events

An esteemed guest on expert panels, as well as art and literary gatherings, Avni is an involved member of the community.